Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sweet Wyatt

Wyatt is my quirky child.  I'm still convinced he is SOMEWHERE "on the spectrum", but I don't consider that a bad thing.  In fact, I think most of us are probably on the spectrum - or at least the people in my family ;)  Wyatt sees things differently and comprehends things differently, and his view of the world is what we all need sometimes.

He likes routine, he doesn't like change, and if you move something out of "it's place", he is going to KNOW IT...

He has always had lots of sensory issues.  He likes to smell things and touch things.  To this day, I can't open a book without him leaning in to smell it.  And for God's sake, DO NOT take him through a lingerie department - he will touch every bit of silky material he can get his hands on!  But maybe that's just a "guy thing" ;)  Same is true for the produce department at the grocery store - every fruit and vegetable we walk past, "don't touch, don't smell, keep walking" :)  Drives me crazy but also cracks me up :)  Everytime we go, it's like he's seeing produce for the very first time...

At the end of 1st grade he was diagnosed with CAPD (central auditory processing disorder) which explains some of his quirks, his trouble with school and (I think) the reason he didn't speak until after age 2.  He's doing a good job of dealing with this and always keeps me smiling...


Wyatt has a special place in my heart - he was the only one of my boys that GG got to meet and hold.  Hate that I don't have a picture of Morgan on her lap...

Friday, January 6, 2012

Let's start with Morgan...

"Nobody is stronger than God.  You can kick God in the balls, and it won't even hurt him." 

Pretty profound for a 5-year-old, don't ya think? :) This little quote pretty much sums up my Morgan.  He is brutally honest and says exactly what he thinks.  Wonder where he gets that from? ;)  He drives me completely insane but also keeps me entertained and laughing.  You never know what he might say or do :)